Status update
Hock injections, round two. It was time. She already appears much more comfortable.
We also tested for Cushings. Negative.
She’s picking at her hay more than I’d like. Her weight is good. She is no longer an air fern inhaling all the hay instantly and that worries me some.
She still has a bit of a cough. That worries me too. I may be overly concerned about her coughs, but I do have a history there. We may head to Davis at some point this summer just to rule things out. Naturally, once I made that mental commitment she went back to only an occasional cough. Sigh.

Also, I bought a new browband and it is fabulous.
Fetti is incredibly content being lead trail pony for the baby. We have been walking walking walking everywhere. Now we’re throwing in some trot bursts. I’m dabbling with the idea of trying conditioning sets when we go solo.
Here’s the thing: she’s perfectly happy and fit on the flats. We did a seven-mile walking ride with steps and hills, and she came out to arena turnout the next day and absolutely flew around. She felt great! (YoungPony, however, was rather tired.)
We did a solo ride maybe a week or two prior. She wants to go. Then I add hills and her breathing is.. it’s that sort of ‘need to cough but not quite there’ feeling. She was less willing to zoom. She wanted to but her lungs(?) weren’t working with her. It doesn’t feel entirely like a fitness issue, though I’m sure that would probably help. End result is that I think we really are done competing, much as I dabble with the idea of getting her back to that point. I love riding her. I love hanging out with her. It is not worth it to me to exacerbate whatever she has going on.
We’re still working on fitness, though! It’s good for her, it’s good for me, it keeps us happy. It just isn’t the push I’d be doing for competition.
I am thankful for every day I get with this horse.
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