I’m going to keep this short and all in one. I knew that 2018 was going to bring some changes. I had put in notice at my job and was working part-time at the beginning of the year. Combine that with a new and longer barn commute, and a riding partner who was out of commission with some health issues? My motivation to get out for long rides tanked. I did some. It wasn’t a lot, and it wasn’t really what either of us needed.
I started a new job in May. The good: I love my job, what I’m doing, the people. It pays better and offers the flexibility I need. The bad: it’s in the opposite direction from the barn.

So naturally I bought a second horse. I’m going to try to be better about blogging now that we have blog-able things. Let’s face it: “walked around the barn for 20 minutes and appreciated how zen this horse has become” is not particularly interesting. Which is fine. I like non-interesting for my nighttime hacks. The alternative is “walked around the barn for five minutes, barn-sour and herdbound horse pitched a fit and a tiny rear, and strong words were had in the round pen afterwards.” Much less fun.
Second horse. Baby pony – she’ll be three in July and I plan to keep calling her the baby until she’s eight.

Q4 Goals Recap:
Ponying into the park? Check. Kept happening. Between an unfortunate mishap with my trail buddy and the dam being up, this is not a thing for Q1.
Headlamps? Check. This is life now.
Solidify backing? Fail. Still working on it – right now, this is a thing at least briefly every time I get her out.
Polite hoof-handling? Doing well. Not perfect.
Fly spray: Fail. Did not work on this at all. Have spray bottle, have done nothing with it.
Into park solo via highway? Nope. Wasn’t needed in Q4, probably not going to try for this in Q1.
Commit to being at the barn 4x/week. I had nearly talked myself down to three with just Fetti, but Polly needs to get out regularly. Boyfriend and I discussed this prior to purchase and he’s on board. Grace periods allowed for fantastically awful weather. I have a wonderful support system; sometimes it’s not worth a two-hour drive in a downpour just to pat them on the noses. Nose? I’m not sure which is right here.
Start seriously saving for a truck and trailer. I may be able to make do without and have her started lightly at the barn this year, but it is something I want to have for off-site rides. I did not have this with Fetti. I want this with Polly.
Pollyanna: Groundwork. Lunging. Ground-driving. Learn a new skill monthly, work on something in-progress at least weekly (versus “turnout” or “ponying around the barn” or “standing still while tied” – all these are in regular rotation). I’m dabbling lightly with clicker training and probably the low-level Parelli stuff too.
Get in at least one trail ride with Fetti per month, weather allowing. Bringing Polly along is optional but may make this easier in many cases.
More specific January-February Pollyanna goals:
Continue work on ground driving.
Occasionally wear a bit; research baby bit options.
Horse appropriately. (No injuring the other ponies.)
Install a solid “back” cue.
Also: I have a lot of photos, but WordPress and I can’t agree on uploading them. Hopefully fixed soon – but waiting means I’ll be publishing this in May, so text-only for right now.