HomeUncategorizedNATRC vs AERC LDs : some conclusions


NATRC vs AERC LDs : some conclusions — 3 Comments

  1. Wow, that is less speed-and-mileage difference between the divisions than I would have expected! Although I guess it's another hour or so in trail time when you do the math.

    Most of this is really similar to our local CTR. (ECTRA CTR does pointed-based judging but all in terms of horse condition at the vet checks; there are no obstacles and no in-camp or horsemanship judging.) I'm liking it a lot as a venue in which to learn and it's the same group of people who do the endurance rides. But no-forward-motion-dismounted and wait-to-pulse-in are not my philosophical favorites. (Also no booting for leg protection, which I don't currently do anyway but it is an option that I like to have available.)

    My resistance to the judged-obstacle rides is admittedly poisoned by descriptions I've heard of our local judged pleasure ride group. They seem like very nice people and I'm glad that the activity they enjoy is available to them! But everything I've heard sounds like they value quiet, quiet, quiet horses (which is fine, but not my personally cuppa) and like the obstacle judges are anybody who is willing to volunteer. Which is totally understandable and I'm totally okay with that practice for, say, XC judging where you get some inevitable variation in judgment but the rules themselves are objective and easy to understand. But if I'm being judged subjectively, I want the judge to have some training and credentials. I've ridden backyard hunters, you know? It's great as a schooling venue, but not something I'm going to get super-invested in.

    But for your purposes, this sounds great, and I think it's awesome that you're looking outside the box to get your miles and exposure in. I have a late-March gap in my ride schedule and if something like this were available in the right time/place to fill that gap, I would be pleased to try it out, too.

  2. I was a bit astonished at the tiny speed/mileage differences. I think because it's considered a difficult ride, they try to keep the time for Open riders slow. I'm very vaguely thinking that if you're encouraged to only trot flat stretches, that would indeed make it a difficult ride to make good time on. (Fetti doesn't believe in only trotting flats, though.)

    I would have huge, huge resistance to subjectively judged obstacles with volunteers who have little-to-no training. I'm not a huge fan of the obstacles to start with, but at least I knew I had consistent and well-established judges, and it was the same two all ride! And yes.. I think the no-leg-protection rule is in place out here, too, I just didn't pay it any mind since I don't boot (or have any) anyway.

  3. Thanks for writing this post! I was surprised about the pace – for some reason I thought CTRs had much faster paces. I'm training for my first LD and a 4-4.5 mph pace sounds like a perfect way to check distance on my big, slower guy. I don't like all the additional rules, but my guess is that they have them because the pace is slower so the obstacles and restrictions help separate out the top placers. Much like you, I wouldn't care if I placed or did well on the obstacles as long as my horse was fit at the end of the ride. And it would be nice not to feel so outpaced by the crazy…I mean, very fit, Arabs of the endurance world. Although a western jog pace does sound a bit like torture. Anyway, glad things went well for you and I might actually give a CTR a try now:)