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Time for Change — 3 Comments

  1. My tack truck situation is not something anyone would be inspired by. Just wanted to say I get the anxiety about moving (your post sounds like something I’d write), but it will all pay off. Wishing you tons of happiness in your new barn!

  2. What a hard situation, sounds like you’ve made all the right decisions though. And congrats on the trailer! I’m absolutely neurotic about my tack trunk (locker) setup: I ONLY put the things in it that I need every single day, and I make sure everything I need is immediately visible and not buried. It drives me crazy to see barnmates with like, their braiding kit in their tack trunk, like WHY! Have separate storage that’s slightly harder to get to/less premium real estate for things you only use 4 times a year. So in my locker I have: grooming tools, whip, spurs, Connor’s emergency info binder, horse boots, gloves, light duty clippers/oil, towels, bath stuff, bare minimum First Aid stuff, and my boots. Everything else lives somewhere else, which I’m fortunate enough to have my trailer parked at the barn, so I use it for occasional use item storage.

  3. That is hard with all the work you’ve put into the place, but follow your instinct and the new barn will bring new adventures! And the new trailer, how exciting!

    As for the tack trunk: I’m not much help, I park my trailer on site and usually just tack up out of that. I do have a small space dedicated, where I keep my extra saddle and halter, wash rack necessities, and a small plastic rolling 3-drawer bin (meant for closets) with medical stuff, extra set of brushes, etc. Not sure your space, but I find a hanging bar most useful to clip and hang wet saddle pads, or extra sets of things up and out of the way. Also everyone knows my stuff because of a strip on orange tape on it, we have a very small barn but I think it still keeps things from going missing! Good luck organizing your space, hope to see it when settled!

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